Scott Hardie | February 3, 2011
That's a lot of white.

It gets me thinking: Today would have been a really great day to announce this year's GooCon in sunny Florida. There probably would have been a half-dozen registrations already.

Erik Bates | February 3, 2011
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Scott Hardie | February 3, 2011
That's also a lot of white.

Confidential to someone trying to convince the family to move to Florida: I turned on the A/C before bed last night or it would have been too hot to sleep.

Steve West | February 3, 2011
Interesting headline in today's local paper: Schools may cut 1,132 jobs to close $85M budget gap. Brenda works for the school system. Connecting the dots...

Dave Stoppenhagen | February 3, 2011
It doesn't bother me to much, but this is the first blizzard i've been through in a long time. Last time one hit Chicago I was in the Middle East so it didn't cause me any issues. Jaime and Addison enjoyed their first one, and surprisingly so did the dog.

Steve West | February 3, 2011
Surprising to me is how little it's affecting the DC area. Other than the cold, we're not getting much in the way of snow. Yet.

Steve West | February 3, 2011
BTW - I just looked at your new picture, Scott. Did Kelly win yet?

Tony Peters | February 3, 2011
its affecting New England....I haven't been to class since Tuesday and my house is surrounded by a sheet of Ice

Lori Lancaster | February 3, 2011
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Steve West | February 3, 2011
Scott, Brenda says you're a riot - with as much sarcasm as she could muster. Lauren says, "Hi."

Jackie Mason | February 4, 2011
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Scott Hardie | February 5, 2011
I regret saying what I did about turning on the A/C. After nine years here, I continue to be pleased that it's so nice out when the rest of the country is frozen, and expressing that feeling can't help but come across as smugness. There's no good to come from reveling in what I have here in Florida, so I won't do it again.

Kelly had just decided to run for office in Amtgard when we came across those bumper stickers in Tampa for some local election. She had to grab one and pose for a picture.

My best to Brenda and Lauren, with hopes that the budget cuts don't hit home.

Steve West | February 5, 2011
Personally, I love Florida weather news. Puts more weapons in the armory. If I stockpile enough... Brenda's job should be safe enough as the state mandate requires her position as a personal aide while it doesn't require the same amount of teachers. Odd but it does imply a certain amount of job security.

Steve West | February 5, 2011
Lauren and I built a Gulliver snowman with the remaining snow from our local megastorm. We were out in the drizzle that should melt most remnants. You can see a few Lilliputians performing the task of tying him down but off-camera is the gallery of Lilliputians (about 50) that were observing Gulliver's capture.

Steve West | February 6, 2011
An unseasonably warm day has devastated the Lilliputians. They're nothing but a bunch of twigs scattered about now. Gulliver isn't looking too good but he can easily escape unguarded now. Lauren made sure to go out and change his frown to a smile.

Scott Hardie | February 6, 2011
She's better-natured than some kids.

Lori Lancaster | February 6, 2011
[hidden by request]

Denise Sawicki | February 7, 2011
I didn't know the comment about A/C was supposed to be smug. I was thinking how glad I was it wasn't summer here year-round. Because air conditioning never actually works to make it cool enough to sleep...

Jackie Mason | February 8, 2011
[hidden by request]

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