I just read your last blog post, and I'm really sorry. I know you said "no reply", but I hope you won't mind my addressing you here in my own blog... so far only seemingly reserved for similarly worrisome topics. I don't have your e-mail and wouldn't put this out on TC, but I am glad for you that it wasn't more serious. God only knows how lucky I've been in a number of accidents now... none of which included the wearing of my seatbelt, and one of which I also fell asleep going about 90 on I-95!

Not making any kind of statement with this (since I, myself, have been guilty of it, too!), but I recently read something along the lines that attempts are being made to create technology that will measure fatigue in much the same way that it can currently measure intoxication... thus, perhaps, paving the way for charges similar to DWI ("DWF"?) -- because it has pretty much the same resulting effects! I honestly don't know what to think about this... but I'm glad that your family hasn't suffered a great loss for it.

Two Replies to Bummer, Aaron...

Jackie Mason | August 12, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | August 14, 2007
That's why I keep my e-mail address a closely guarded secret! ;)

No, everything's better now, I think. Now my grandmother is trying to kill herself, so it all goes back to normal. :) I appreciate the thought.

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

Life Is Killing Me

Not softly, no song, and I'm pretty fed up with it. Go »

Whatever Happened To Baby Haley...?

So, was watching the magically tragical Artificial Intelligence: AI tonight, when I got to wondering about the whereabouts of kid who saw dead people. Apparently, I was not alone in this musing... "My flab..." Go »

There's No Place Like Home...

Another update from the Land of Oz and tornados... Apparently, I wasn't too far off in thinking that an insurance deal would be nice... they're worried about it, too. Go »

"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

Well... quite a bit has been happening with me lately, but I haven't been too keen to share for a few different reasons. One, just the mixed nature of it all makes it a little difficult for me to process -- although I am so very grateful for the good things, it also makes things pretty difficult to convey without somehow feeling rather pathetic and *un*grateful in the telling of it. Go »

Feeling Like Crying...

...but also like I am simply out of tears. Heart is heavy. Go »


I don't remember if I made any mention here (aside from any private messages) about my grandmother's death at the end of April. It was rather sudden/unexpected, given her condition at the time... and, considering all other grief in my life at present, I took it a lot better than I ever thought I would -- I was closer to her than any other member of my family (probably true in both senses, actually). Go »