Our road trip to see friends and family in Illinois was well worth it.

The drive both ways was pleasant. I indulged in junk food like a man taking a break from six months of dieting (since my post-Atkins diet started in June, I've lost 50 pounds). We tried some Star Trek and Doctor Who audiobooks, but they weren't very good.

First, we spent a weekend with Kelly's old friends in Springfield. I'm used to listening to hours of Amtgard talk at a time, so I didn't mind. At a fabric store's final day in business, Kelly scored $400 worth of fabric for $28, and the car was so happy for her that it nearly burst.

Next up was five days with Kelly's parents in Princeton. I'll keep the family drama private, but there were lots of good times, including hiking in Starved Rock State Park, having a early Christmas, grilling our own steaks at a local restaurant, visiting our hometown, and playing with stray cats at her brother's house. I'm glad that Kelly's parents built another bedroom in the basement where it's much more comfortable to sleep, but I'll be even more glad when they finish the bathroom down there, so I don't have to climb two flights of stairs silently in the middle of the night every time I need to pee.

Finally, we drove to St. Louis for a half-day. We were told that the City Museum was fun for adults, but half of the building was designed for children, and physically accessible only to them in some cases. We did enjoy the circus and the aquarium, smaller than those in Florida but with more than enough personality to make up for it. Dinner at Lotawata Creek with Funeratic members was the perfect conclusion to the week, relaxing and fun and getting my mind back on "regular life."

Now that GooCon is no longer an annual event, I don't know when our next visit up north will be, but I'm already looking forward to it.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Mars Needs Kitties

Thanks to Lori for sending me this: That gets me thinking: Do you think if people hadn't had the idea for crop circles until a decade later that the fad would have even happened? In this decade we have the tools on personal computers to fake images like this with photo-perfect results, and hoaxers could just distribute photos with the click of a mouse. Photos have been doctored for decades, of course, but now your grandma can do it, you know? Go »

His Name is Bond

[Spoilers for Casino Royale.] One of my favorite bits of any fan-invented mythology is the identity of 007: It is held by some series fans (and me) that "James Bond" is merely a codename. When one Bond is killed or retires, another one takes his place and assumes the same name, which is why you see a different actor every decade and the man doesn't age despite having been around since the Kennedy administration. Go »


I saw myself at the grocery. Tall, fat, shaved head, black collared shirt, black slacks, black leather shoes. I caught up to myself and muttered "I like the look" with a wink, and myself smiled, then myself's girlfriend saw us together and laughed. Go »

Unmitigated Gall

Life gets unpleasant quickly when your gallbladder stops working. TMI alert. I spent all day Friday with sharp pain in my abdomen, diagnosed as spasms from my gallbladder trying to expel a stone. Go »

Summer of Suck

It's been a tough summer so far. Here's venting. - Some good people were laid off in my department. Go »

PS3: First Impressions

On Tuesday, which happened to be Denise's birthday (we celebrated the night before), an acquaintance sold me a brand new Playstation 3 and I hit Best Buy to choose carefully from among the whopping half-dozen titles available. When I unpacked the system with a friend, I found it to be much bigger and heavier than I expected, but it's sleek and doesn't have any buttons; you just wave your finger over it to turn it on. The far left edge of the screen is cut off on my TV set, since the system doesn't include any display-centering option, but I hope to figure out a solution. Go »