A panel of experts (a group of listeners to Britain's BBC 6) have determined the worst duet in history. Obviously this group has no credentials or necessarily any credibility and history is such a long time. But that's a pretty good vote if schmaltz makes a song bad. I would have voted for a song that would be the musical equivalent of a mosquito in my ear (Bowie and Jagger duet not a bad pick).

One Reply to Just As I Suspected...

Amy Austin | October 9, 2007
Personally, I would have picked the *other* McCartney duet (with Michael Jackson) -- have you ever heard that one??? That song is pure, unadulterated Velveeta cheese food product, and the dopier/more annoying tune by far. The way more ubiquitous quality of "Ebony & Ivory" is the only reason I can imagine for it getting beat out. Just my opinion.

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