Or is it the other way around? I invited Lauren to take a closer look at Funeratic so she could see why I spend so much time here. I started with a few pictures, Scott - ("I know him!") and a few others. She thought the concept for Celebrity Goo Game was "cute" but I told her she'd have to get her own account to play. Tragic Comedy intrigued her and the Blogs amused her. "Scott is very clever to come up with these topics." Got creeped out by Knocks posts, notably mine it seems. She actually participated in a few Rock Block concerts, although no tournament concerts. She proceeded to lose seemingly several to Chris and Erik including a Rock Block to Chris. She adored it despite losing. But she made me wonder, "Thirty points higher than me on your SAT's? Really?"

One Reply to Like Father, Like Daughter

Scott Hardie | December 25, 2018
I hope she does get her own account. We'd be happy to have her. :-) Thanks for showing her the site.

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