Seriously. We've all heard that "My Humps" song they put out. The first time I heard it, I refused to believe that it came from the Blackeyed Peas. Surely a band of at least some marginal talent couldn't create a song this godawful, could they? Granted, they're not the best band in the entire world, but they did put out a song or two that didn't make me want to grab the nearest badger and cram it into my ears to block the agony of their song.

But alas, it's true. They are the ones to blame for this abomination that now leaps across the radio to smack me in the face everytime I turn around. What bothers me is that there was a process to this awfulness. They actually sat down and voted for the line "My lovely lady lumps." God only knows what they ended up rejecting in favor of that.

And at no point did anyone in the record company sit them down and say "You realize that you're releasing the worst song since 'Hollaback Girl' don't you? This has crossed your mind hasn't it?" No, none of them said a word. It got put on the album, and then released into the general population to wreak havok on us poor innocent bystanders


Adrianne Rodgers complains about life and all its little nuisances. Read more »

I Hate Pigeons (And You Should Too)

Pigeon - An overweight urban dove with an iridescent neck and funky little head movements, commonly imitated by dancing humans. Why you should hate them : Their cooing sends a dread through all humans, because if you can hear it, it is probably near enough to be decorating your property with disease-ridden droppings. There is no escaping them, as they inhabit cities world-wide. Go »

I Got Tuna Fish In The Mayonnaise

Which is far worse than getting jelly in the peanut butter. The spot of tuna has begun to fester and spread, leaving a repulsive brown stain. Lunch is ruined. Go »

Empty Ice Trays..

From the looks of things, you'd think it takes an advanced degree to refill an ice cube tray. I guess if I don't want to spend the next half hour skimming ice slivers off of sluggishly freezing cube slots, I might as well just go out and buy a ten pound bag. What do you mean, I'm the only one who lives here?!?!? Go »

Mini-Rant: A Night At The Movies

The person next to me was not there to watch the film, but rather to rotate the contents of six paper bags. Go »

A Letter To The Director

Dear Uwe Boll. Stop it. Oh for the love of god please stop it. Go »

Happy Freakin' Holidays

Can we please, *please*, give these stores a break people? There's no need to get all up in arms over the fact that Walmart and Target are greeting people with, gasp!, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Go »