Recent conversation with Brenda:

Brenda: The weather's been getting a lot warmer lately.

me: I believe I noticed.

Brenda: I'm worried that our air conditioner is too old and won't be good enough this summer.

me: It'll probably last one more summer.

Brenda: I'm afraid the girls will get heat stroke.

me: I'll get heat stroke before they will. Consider my collapse an early warning system. Buy a new air conditioner with the insurance money.

Brenda: What makes you think the air conditioner is good enough?

me: I really don't know but we can test it. I'll invite Scott and Kelly up this summer. If they come in the house and feel like they're at home and then go outside and comment how chilly they are - I'll spring for a new air conditioner.

Brenda: Sounds good but don't get heat stroke.

me: Heat strokes aren't all that bad. I'll have the best tan in hell and it's all the fun of a real stroke without that left side paralysis thing.

One Reply to Yes, It's Hot Enough For Me

Scott Hardie | April 8, 2012
Works for us. Our own central air conditioner is pretty weak: On a recent day, it was 94 outside, 82 inside. Can you get heat stroke while sitting inside in the shade? I have a window unit and Kelly's about to get a portable unit, so we'll survive, but it's definitely summer here already -- indoors.

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